The Importance of MVC Architecture in Ruby on Rails Development

Rutik Patel
3 min readApr 28, 2023


Hello folks, In this article, we will explore what MVC architecture is, how it functions, and the reasons why it is highly important in Ruby on Rails.

Created By Author (Rutik Patel)

Points to be discussed :

  1. What is MVC Architecture?
  2. How Does the MVC Architecture Work in Ruby on Rails?
  3. Conclusion

So let's get started ✨ ✨

1. What is MVC Architecture?

The MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture is a popular design pattern used in software development. It’s a way to organize an application’s code and separate its concerns into three main components: the Model, the View, and the Controller.

The Model is the part of the application that handles the data and business logic. It represents the data and defines the rules for how it’s accessed, updated, and processed. In Ruby on Rails, the Model is represented by a class that inherits from ActiveRecord::Base. The Model is also responsible for defining the relationships between different objects, such as users and posts in a blog application.

The View is responsible for the user interface (UI) and presentation of the data. It’s the part of the application that the user interacts with directly. In Rails, the View is represented as an HTML file that contains embedded Ruby code with the extension ERB. The View receives data from the Controller and renders it as HTML that’s sent to the user’s browser.

The Controller is the component that manages the flow of the application. It receives input from the user via the View, decides how to respond to that input, and interacts with the Model to retrieve or update data. In Rails, the Controller is represented by a class that inherits from ActionController::Base. It acts as the glue between the Model and the View, passing data between them and handling user requests.

2. How Does the MVC Architecture Work in Ruby on Rails?

When a user interacts with a Rails application, the MVC architecture works as follows:
  1. The user sends a request to the web server, specifying a URL and HTTP method.
  2. The web server passes the request to the Rails application.
  3. The Rails application passes the request to the Router, which decides which Controller should handle it based on the URL and HTTP method.
  4. The Controller extracted data from the Model and passes that to the View.
  5. The View renders the HTML page and sends it back to the Controller.
  6. The response from the HTML was sent to the web server by the Controller.
  7. The web server sends the HTML response to the user’s browser.

3. Conclusion

Using the MVC architecture in Ruby on Rails has several benefits. First, it makes the code easier to understand and maintain, since each component has a clear and specific role. Second, it allows for easy testing of each component in isolation, which makes it easier to catch bugs and ensure the application works as intended. Finally, it allows for easier collaboration between developers, since each developer can focus on one component of the application without needing to worry about the others.

