Features of Ruby on Rails

Rutik Patel
2 min readMay 31, 2022


Hello Everyone, in this article, we are going to discuss about the features of popular framework for web development — “Ruby on Rails”. So let’s get started.

Ruby on Rails provides a lot of features that can help developers at any point during the web development process, as well as thereafter.

Here are some list of the features:

  1. MVC Architecture
  2. Active Records
  3. Inbuilt Testing
  4. Scalable
  5. Ease of Programming

1. MVC Architecture :

MVC Stands for Model View Controller. Ruby on rails follows this MVC Pattern for development. There are also other frameworks available that follows MVC Architecture. So, if a developer is familiar with another MVC framework, they may quickly grasp the Rails framework.

2. Active Record :

Active Record is an ORM (Object Relational Mapping) layer which execute between the database and the code. In simple way Active Record is powerful library of Ruby on Rails. Basically it is used to deal with backend database, migration and schema.

3. Inbuilt Testing :

With the testing we can assure that our code run with desired functionalities. Rails provided inbuilt testing facility so we can test our application easily. when we generate model and controller rails will auto generate some skeleton test code inside test directory.

4. Scalable :

Ruby on Rails helps developers to build highly scalable application. And the modules in the ruby on rails are incredibly flexible and they are in well-structured form, which allowing developers to make adjustments to your programs as needed.

5. Ease of Programming :

Ruby on Rails has a straightforward syntax. It features easy English-like syntax codes that make creating different codes easier for developers. Understanding Ruby on Rails programmes is lot easier and takes considerably less time. Rails also helps with the generation of simple commands In HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Files.

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

